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Miradoux photovoltaic power plant

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30 November 2011 - Events - France

On 23 September, the Cegelec GSS Division of the Energy business line and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations inaugurated the ground-level photovoltaic farm at Miradoux (south-west France), which was brought into service on 16 June last after 10 months of works. Designed and built by teams from Cegelec Energy Toulouse, the installation boasts 34,200 panels and 13 inverters and has a capacity of up to 8 MWc. It will generate 9 GWh/year, or the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of almost 9,000 inhabitants.

For this €27.5m project, Cegelec SAS and the Caisse des Dépôts invested €5.5m in the production company Miradoux Solaire SAS, owned 51% by Cegelec and 49% by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.