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Mini-piles for the Sheraton Park

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16 March 2012 - New contracts - Qatar

In Doha, Soletanche Bachy, a Soletanche Freyssinet subsidiary (VINCI Construction), has won the contract for the minipiles for the Sheraton Park project, a 73,000 sq. metre landscaped park associated with an underground car park on two levels and connecting tunnels, designed and built by QDVC, a subsidiary of Qatari Diar (51%) and VINCI Construction Grands Projets (49%). The contract covers the creation of some 3,000 mini-piles, 12 m in depth, secured using a mortar serving as an anchorage for the structure's raft foundation. The system has been specially designed to guarantee the structure's durability (100 years). Following preliminary stress tests carried out by Soldata, a Soletanche Freyssinet subsidiary, the works began early in 2012, and will take 11 months to complete.