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Making way fora future tram line

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25 April 2012 - New contracts - France

As part of the creation of Line G of the tram system in Toulouse (south-west France), a consortium comprising Sogea Sud-Ouest TP and GTM Sud TP GC (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), as well as Soletanche Bachy, a Soletanche Freyssinet subsidiary (VINCI Construction), has been appointed to create the Déodat de Séverac underpass beneath the Toulouse-Auch railway line. Sogea Sud-Ouest TP and GTM Sud TP GC are charged with the civil engineering works as well as “lightning strike” operations aimed at limiting the disruption of rail traffic. Soletanche Bachy will supply the earth­works, and the installation of the support elements, as well as 3,600 sq. metres of diaphragm walls for the north and south approaches to the underpass, and the substructure of this future railway bridge.