€101.150 The share price increased by +2.82 %   01/07/2024 11:16

Loire embankments

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1 July 2014 - New contracts - France

VINCI Construction Terrassement Ouest and Soletanche Bachy France (Soletanche Freyssinet) have been appointed by the authorities in the Indre-et-Loire department to reinforce the embankments of the Loire in the Montlouis and Saint-Pierre-des-Corps areas of central France. The project notably involves creating a waterproof Trenchmix® shield, 7 to 9 metres deep, over a distance of 2,000 m. Given that the Loire embankment carries a busy road (the RD 751), the works, due to start in mid-July 2014, will be organised to keep disruption to a minimum. Contract value: €2m.