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LED lighting for Hertfordshire

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18 September 2017 - Projects update and handover - United Kingdom

Over the next three years, Hertfordshire will be converting all its not-yet-converted public lighting devices to LED technology, in order to reduce its carbon footprint and its electricity consumption.

A team at Ringway (Eurovia) has designed an innovative mapping tool to supervise the implementation of the project. And, in partnership with the University of Bristol, it has supported a study into the impact on wildlife, notably bats, of the light pollution emitted by LEDs. It appears that LEDs improve visibility and reduce light pollution (and its negative repercussions for wildlife).

Hertfordshire County Council has already modified more than 40,000 street lights. Structural and electrical inspections have also been carried out by Ringway, to check the safety of all the street lights and extend their life. The remaining 70,000 street lights will be converted over the next three years.

With over 110,000 street lights in the course of being checked and converted, this project is the second biggest of its type in the UK.