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Launch of Urbalia, a new start-up dedicated to urban biodiversity

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8 December 2017 - Sustainability - France

On 6 December 2017, AgroParisTech and VINCI Construction announced the creation of Urbalia, a start-up dedicated to the integration of biodiversity and urban agriculture within urban development projects.

Urbalia offers biodiversity solutions to communities, developers and construction professionals, ways of including biodiversity that will contribute to the sustainability of their projects.

The start-up relies on a multidisciplinary team of experts to design natural spaces within cities that will improve the living environment of citizens and urban resilience.

It has emerged from the work of the Chair of Eco-Design, the scientific partnership built up since 2008 between VINCI and ParisTech which has made possible the creation of reference tools in the field of energy efficiency, biodiversity and sustainable mobility.

Urbalia notably uses Biodi(V)strict, the first tool for the measurement of the biodiversity potential of an urban project, which was developed by the Chair.