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Land-sea link-up

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30 October 2017 - Projects update and handover - Cameroon

In the vicinity of Limbé, in the south-west of the country, Geocean (Entrepose/VINCI Construction) has just successfully finished installing a pipeline and a PLEM (pipeline end manifold) to link a conventional mooring buoy with the Sonara refinery, on land.

Undertaken on behalf of the national refining company, this turnkey contract covered the engineering and the procurement and manufacture of the equipment as well as its installation out from the coast and at sea.

The installation of the concrete-covered pipe, 30 inches (about 76 cm) in diameter and 2,200 m in length, was carried out, with the help of Geocean’s barge Protis, by the members of the crew – there were more than 210 of them at the peak of activity in May 2017.

The project is now being completed, with the connection to the existing network on land, in the refinery, and the installation, out at sea, of the connection spigot between the pipeline and the PLEM, followed by the final pressure tests.