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Inauguration of the business centre for car rental operators

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11 August 2011 - Events - France

On 23 June 2011, in the presence of Christian Estrosi, deputy and mayor of Nice, Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur and Park Azur, the concession-holding company owned by VINCI Concessions (97%), VINCI Construction France (2%) and VINCI Airports (1%), inaugurated the business centre for car rental operators at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport (south of France).

Signed in 2007, the contract is in the form of a temporary authorisation to occupy (AOT) public ground for a period of 32 years. It covers the financing (€46m), construction, operation and maintenance of a 60,000 sq. metre building, on three levels, providing some 2,000 parking spaces. The aim is to meet the rapidly growing needs of car rental operators at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport, the second-largest centre in terms of turnover, after Roissy, for car hire in France.

The construction works were supplied by a consortium composed of Dumez Côte d’Azur, Campenon Bernard Côte d’Azur and GTM TP Côte d’Azur, regional subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France; the operation and maintenance of the centre have been entrusted to GTM Azur, also a VINCI Construction France subsidiary. As part of the Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur’s efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, the biggest photovoltaic roof in the department of Alpes-Maritimes, comprising 10,277 sq. metres of photovoltaic canopies, is currently being installed on the business centre’s roof.
Representing an investment of €6m, financed by VINCI Concessions and Dexia Crédit Local, this initiative is being implemented by VINCI Construction France and Jean Graniou SIT (VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line), in association with Fonroche, which designs and builds photovoltaic solutions.