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Hospital logistics hub in Belfort

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22 June 2015 - Projects update and handover - France

The Nord Franche-Comté Hospital logistics hub in Belfort (east of France) was handed over to the operations teams on 27 March 2015. This facility was created by VINCI Construction France, via its Carré Médian company, within the framework of a partnership contract covering the design-build, financing and then upkeep and major maintenance of the structure for 28 years. The project brought together Adim Lyon and Campenon Bernard Franche-Comté (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), in charge, respectively, of the property development contract and the design-build contract. The maintenance will be supplied by VINCI Facilities (VINCI Energies). With a surface area of 14,000 sq. metres, the building houses an industrial laundry, a central kitchen, a waste platform, a dispensary, workshops and offices.