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Handover of the longest underwater tunnel in Africa

19 January 2010 - Projects update and handover - Morocco

In November, the consortium notably including Soletanche Bachy, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet, and Géocéan, a subsidiary of Entrepose Contracting (all VINCI Construction companies), completed the turnkey construction works on the Rabat-Témara sea outfall, the longest underwater tunnel in Africa.
This submerged pipe, located at a depth of 25 m, is made up of two parts: a tunnel, 2 m in diameter and 850 m long, driven using a micro-TBM by CSM Bessac (a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet); and a 1,350 m long polyethylene pipe. Once brought into service, in the course of 2010, it will enable 200,000 cu. metres of treated wastewater to be discharged off the coast of Rabat.
Undertaken on behalf of Redal (which manages the wilaya of Rabat-Salé’s power supply, drinking water and liquid drainage services), the project was worth €32m. It forms part of a programme aimed at cleaning up the Atlantic coastline and the Bouregreg valley.