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Handover - Wastewater treatment plant in Bandrélé

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1 May 2017 - Events - France

The joint venture composed of VINCI Construction Grands Projets (leader), Sogea Mayotte and SMTPC (both VINCI Construction Dom-Tom subsidiaries) handed over the wastewater treatment plant in Bandrélé, in the south of Mayotte, in April 2017.

Following a six-month preparation period, the works had started in April 2016. They notably involved the creation of the water processing line with biological treatment (Unitank), the sludge treatment process with dewatering of the sludge in reed-planted drying beds, construction of the operations centre and the technical premises, and the ventilation, electricity, automation and remote management works packages. Once brought into service by Mayotte’s water and sanitation authority (SIEAM) in the second or third quarter of 2017, the plant will treat the wastewater of a population equivalent of 5,000.
Total contract value: €5.5m.