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Future road professionals visit the Orange district

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23 May 2014 - Sustainability - France

On 23 May 2014, the Orange district of VINCI Autoroutes welcomed two classes from the CAP and professional baccalauréat Road Transport Driver section of the professional lycée in Vedène (south of France). The aim of this event was to make future road transport professionals aware of the importance of road safety, through discussion and hearing personal accounts, notably that of a lorry driver who hit the van of a motorway worker on the hard shoulder after dozing off. On a rather less serious note, participants were given a copy of the comic book Safety, a Matter for Professionals, an original idea suggested by VINCI Autoroutes employees and intended for HGV drivers, supported by the VINCI Autoroutes Foundation for Responsible Driving and in collaboration with the French national road transport federation.