€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

Freyssinet installs the suspenders of the Reims bowstring bridge

29 December 2010 - New contracts - France

As part of the creation of the motorway bypass round the south of the city of Reims (north-east France), Freyssinet Agence Câbles et Manutentions (SCCM), a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction), supplied and installed the 26 suspenders of a bowstringtype bridge, created on behalf of SANEF (the company operating motorways in northern and eastern France).

The bringing into service of the bridge, on 23 November, marked the completion of 32 months of works. Eurovia’s Reims office also participated in this bypass project, setting up the temporary alternative routes, reinstating various roadways and reinforcing the lower and road carpet layers of the A4-A26 link-up, within the framework of three contracts worth €8.5m.