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Marc Féret, Thierry Dol, Pierre Legrand and Daniel Larribe (from left to right in the photo) are welcomed by François Hollande on the tarmac at Villacoublay Airport. Copyright: Kenzo Tribouillard / AFP

30 October 2013 - Events

On 30 October 2013, Thierry Dol, Pierre Legrand and Marc Feret, our three Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction) colleagues, together with Areva employee Daniel Larribe, arrived back in France at last, after 1,139 days of captivity in the Sahel.

Xavier Huillard, chairman and CEO of VINCI, and Philippe Chavent, chairman of Sogea-Satom, were at Villacoublay Airport to greet them, alongside their families and the French President. “It was with great joy that we heard of their release. It was an emotional moment for us all, and we hope to see them back amongst us very soon, to be able to tell them we never stopped thinking of them, and were constantly working, with the Areva Group and the competent authorities, to secure their release,’’ said Xavier Huillard. “I wish to thank all those of you who have worked towards their release, and to sincerely thank the authorities involved, in particular the Nigerian authorities.”