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Foundation stone laid for Oasis Parc

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11 March 2019 - Projects update and handover - France

On 18 January 2019, VINCI Immobilier laid the foundation stone for the Oasis Parc residential development, in the presence of representatives of the City and Metropolis of Lyon.

The project involves rehabilitating a historic heritage site, the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul hospital, transforming it into a residential area. Being implemented in three tranches of works, it will comprise 690 homes, including 150 social housing units and 2 residences, for senior citizens and students.
Citinéa (VINCI Construction France) has been working on the first tranche since June 2018. Oasis Parc will be a mixed-use urban neighbourhood that will bring about the development of new practices thanks to innovations in the way “living together” is supported, including, in particular, collaborative workshops enabling its future residents to be involved in its design.