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First station for Elaine on Line B of the metro in Rennes

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26 May 2015 - Projects update and handover - France

On 11 April, the TBM Elaine reached the first bored station of the total of 9 deep stations on Line B of the metro in Rennes (Brittany), which will link the South-West with the North-East of the urban area, serving 15 stations, by the end of 2019: the consortium composed of Dodin Campenon Bernard (leader), Spie Batignolles TPCI, GTM Ouest, Botte Fondations, Spie fondations and Legendre Génie Civil celebrated Elaine’s arrival in the Cleunay station. Having operated for 3 months, Elaine has already driven 520 m of the 8 km of the total route. Weighing more than 1,400 t, this TBM operates 24/7.