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First high-speed test train on the SEA HSL

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28 July 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

Following the successful powering up of the catenary on 9 June, the first high-speed test train travelled on the tracks of the central section of the SEA HSL (high-speed line) on 25 July 2016.

After safety checks carried out at low speed, the tests at ever greater speeds could start. The train thus undertook a test at 160 km/h on track No. 1, in both directions.
After more than four years of works, it was with considerable pride that the teams working on the SEA Tours-Bordeaux HSL project watched this first TGV (high-speed train) pass by.
  In early September 2016, the North and South sections will be powered up, thus enabling dynamic tests to be carried out along the entire length of the line, in preparation for its entry into service, scheduled for 2 July 2017.