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First delivery for the first industrial PPP in the DOM-TOMs

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16 May 2011 - Events - France

On 28 March, on Reunion Island, the Le Port grain terminal received its first delivery. The infrastructure, composed of 16 vertical concrete silos and a horizontal storage building, was created within the framework of the first industrial PPP in the DOM-TOMs (French overseas departments and territories). Signed, as part of a consortium, by Ocidim, VINCI Construction’s property development subsid­iary in the Indian Ocean, this PPP covered the financing and construction of the installation, and its maintenance for thirty years. The works were carried out by a consortium notably composed of SBTPC, leader, and Sogea Réunion (both VINCI Construction subsidiaries), and SETB, Actemium – Nutrition and Bourbon Lumière (three business units of the VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line). The multi-technol­ogy industrial maintenance of the installation will be supplied by Opteor Océan Indien (VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line).