First connected parking spaces
13 November 2017 - Events - Canada
in Montreal Eurovia Quebec is collaborating with Communauto, the self-service car operator in Quebec, for the launch of the first connected parking spaces in Montreal.
Communauto operates parking spaces reserved for its self-service vehicles in several cities and is preparing to test PlacePods, intelligent sensors that can be installed in any parking space. Connected to a WiFi hotspot, the sensor detects the presence of a vehicle and transmits the information to a user app: drivers can thus know in advance which spaces are available.
Eurovia Quebec has been selected to install 65 PlacePods in the city. This one-year experimental project could lead to an order for the supply and installation of some 10,000 units in 2018.
Media contacts
Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28