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Filling the Rizzanese dam in Corsica

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11 July 2012 - Projects update and handover - France

After 42 months of works, VINCI Construction Terrassement, in a consortium with Corse Travaux (Eurovia) and Razel-Bec, handed over the Rizzanese dam (South Corsica) to EDF so that the process of filling the dam with water could start on 21 May 2012. A controlled rise of the water level, in successive stages, should enable the structure, in two months, to reach its total holding capacity of one million cu. metres of water. During this same period, the VINCI Construction Terrassement teams will have completed the upper works and withdrawn the construction installations. The dam (height: 41 m; length: 140 m) will feed the Rizzanese power plant, located 7 km downstream; this hydroelectric development will thus be supplying 55 MW as of late 2012.