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Extending the Ciprel power station

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19 June 2012 - New contracts - Ivory Coast

Having delivered a first extension to the Ciprel power station, to the south-east of Abidjan, in 2010, in late April 2012 Cegelec Energy (VINCI Energies GSS) signed a new, turnkey contract with the Ivorian electricity company (CIE) for the supply, installation and commissioning of a further 115 MW tranche. Based on a General Electric 9E gas turbine, this latest extension will increase the station’s generating capacity to 425 MW.
The contract covers the civil engineering as well as the balance of plant and control systems. The latter will be supplied by Cegelec Control Systems & Services (VINCI Energies GSS). Commissioning is scheduled for October 2013. Contract value: €60m.