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Extending the A304

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1 January 2017 - Projects update and handover - France

Eurovia’s Ludres and Sedan offices have joined forces to implement the pavements works package of the A304’s “Ardennes Y” project, following on from the earthworks, engineering structures and reinstatement of road connections works package supplied by the joint venture comprising VINCI Construction Terrassement (leader), Dodin Campenon Bernard, GTM Lorraine (VINCI Construction France) and Eurovia Champagne-Ardenne.

This project involves extending the A34 by 31 km as of the south of Charleville-Mézières, in order to prevent congestion in the town centre and facilitate Belgium-bound travel, notably on the Charleroi-Brussels road.

To achieve the target of bringing the new section into service in December 2017, the offices have deployed almost 80 employees and major equipment resources: large-width paver, feeder, mobile asphalt mixing plants, road widener, etc. This 2x2-lane road will be entirely toll-free and provide better travel conditions for more than 20,000 vehicles a day by 2018.
Total value of the operation for VINCI: €200m.