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Entry into service of PR1BINA

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14 September 2012 - Events - Slovakia

On 27 July 2012, after 36 months of works, Granvia (VINCI Concessions), in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, inaugurated and opened to traffic the bypass round the town of Banska Bystrica – the fourth and final section of the R1 expressway, known as PR1BINA. The first three sections had been brought into service on 28 October 2011, after just 25 months of works. Worth a total of almost €900 million, the project was headed by Granvia Construction (Eurovia).

The operation and maintenance of the new infrastructure for a period of 30 years will be undertaken by Granvia Operation (VINCI Concessions) on the 46 km between the towns of Nitra and Tekovske Nemce, and entrusted to Eurovia SK as regards the 6 km of the Banska Bystrica bypass. This is the first motorway to have been built in Slovakia within the framework of a public-private partnership contract.