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Duplex A86 - Acceptance of LV2 section of the tunnel

26 November 2010 - New contracts - France

On 30 September, Cofiroute (VINCI Autoroutes) formally accepted the 5.5 km-long LV2 section, between the interchange with the A13, at Vaucresson, and Vélizy (Paris region), of the A86 Duplex tunnel.

Begun in June 2005, the civil engineering works and the task of equipping the structure were undertaken on a design-build basis by Socatop, a consortium notably comprising VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Eurovia and GTM TP IdF (VINCI Construction France), and by VINCI Energies France (Energy business line). When brought into service in the course of 2011, LV2 will supplement and complete the first section of the tunnel (between Rueil-Malmaison and the A13 interchange), which was opened to traffic in June 2009.

With its two superimposed independent decks (one for each traffic direction), the A86 Duplex will then provide the 10 km-long link-up completing the “super-ring road” round Paris. Construction of the A86 Duplex will have required an input of more than 15 million man-hours, involving the simultaneous deployment of up to 2,200 workers at peak periods. This new infrastructure is the product of a unique expertise in the design of complex structures and the management of large-scale projects, involving extremely sophisticated systems.