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Demolition of structures on the A9

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3 March 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

A consortium notably comprising VINCI Construction Terrassement (leader) and Eurovia (joint contractor) is implementing a project to re-route the A9 motorway at Montpellier (south of France). On the eastern part of the worksite, Cardem (Eurovia) has been demolishing engineering structures on the present motorway, which is currently being widened, since late 2014 – these bridges have become inadequate for their task.

During the night of 9/10 January, about a hundred100 people were deployed to demolish two 2 bridges, some 80 metres long and 10 metres wide, within an allotted time-slot –- representing 3,000 t of concrete to be demolished and 6,000 t of rubble to be removed in just 12 hours.