€101.550 The share price increased by +3.22 %   01/07/2024 15:22

Crossrail: new contract for construction of Whitechapel station

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16 March 2012 - New contracts - United Kingdom

As part of the creation of the Crossrail rail link, which will cross London from east to west in 2018, the BBMV consortium, notably comprising VINCI Construction Grands Projets, VINCI Construction UK and Bachy Soletanche Ltd, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (all VINCI Construction subsidiaries), has won the contract for the construction, on a general contracting basis, of the Whitechapel station. BBMV has been charged with partially demolishing the existing station, and the construction of the new station and a ticket-sales area. The contract also includes the construction of the shafts, internal structures, a footbridge and the platforms for the tunnels, as well as the associated electromechanical and architectural works packages.
Worth €135m, the works started in February 2012 and will take six years to complete.