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Croix-Rousse: Breakthrough of the second tunnel

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On 15 September 2011, the final blast in the main section was undertaken in the presence of Xavier Huillard, Chairman and CEO of VINCI, and Gérard Collomb, President of Greater Lyons.

24 October 2011 - New contracts - France

In Lyons (central France), the renovation and upgrading of the Croix-Rousse road tunnel (built in 1952) moved into a new phase on 15 September 2011 with the cutting-through of the second tunnel tube. This structure, 1.7 km long and linked to the existing tunnel by eleven transversal galleries, will enable users to be evacuated in the event of a serious accident; it will be dedicated to "green" transport (buses, pedestrians and cyclists will each have a separate lane).

The design-build contract, worth a total of €172 million, was awarded in February 2009 to a consortium headed by Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction), leader, and notably including, for the structural works, Chantiers Modernes Rhône-Alpes (VINCI Construction France), and SBTPCI, and, for the technical equipment, two Energy business line companies: GTIE Transport (VINCI Energies France Division) and Cegelec Infrastructures & Mobility (Cegelec GSS Division). Other entities involved in the project include the design teams of VINCI Construction Grands Projets as well as CMS, Delair CFD, and Sogea Canalisations (subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France) and Cardem Lyon (Eurovia). The design works package was awarded to the Setec engineering design office and the architectural package to architectural firms Strates and Vergely.
The new structure is scheduled to come into service in late 2013, following a comprehensive renovation of the existing road tunnel.