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Creating a bus lane

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1 November 2016 - Projects update and handover - France

A joint venture notably comprising STRF’s Boissy-le-Cutté office (leader), Signature Grands Travaux and Chadel, three Eurovia subsidiaries, is currently developing the public spaces in the Grande Borne neighbourhood of Grigny (Paris region) on behalf of the Lacs de l’Essonne conglomeration.

In order to open up this neighbourhood with its more than 3,600 homes on the outskirts of Viry-Châtillon and of Grigny, the STRF teams are notably creating “la Traversante”, a bus lane that will provide a link to the town centre of Grigny. The teams started out by undertaking earthworks, drainage works (creation of networks and retention basins), laying paving slabs and laying out green spaces. Completion is scheduled for December 2017.