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Construction of the Schuman Bridge in Lyon

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10 October 2012 - New contracts - France

GTM TP Lyon, leader, in a consortium with Tournaud (both are VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), Citéos Lyon (VINCI Energies France) and Cordioli, has secured the contract for the construction of the Schuman Bridge in Lyon (central France). This double, bowstring-type bridge (length: 180 m; width: 31 m) will provide a crossing over the Saône between the 4th and 9th arrondissements. A 14 m-deep pile mid-river will support the steel framework (2,800 t) of the deck. The spans will be completely assembled, to the south of Lyon, before being brought in by barge and jack-lifted into their final position.
The works, worth a total of €20m, will be carried out between September 2012 and March 2014.