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Completion of the A89: Bordeaux-Lyon in 5 hours 15 minutes

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25 February 2013 - Projects update and handover - France

Following the formal opening ceremony on 19 January 2013, in the presence of, notably, Frédéric Cuvillier, French Minister of State for Transport, the Sea and Fisheries, the final section of the A89, approaching Lyon, was opened to traffic by ASF (VINCI Autoroutes) at 9.30 am on 21 January. The bringing into service of this section between Balbigny and La Tour-de-Salvagny, in central France, marks the completion of the 500 km-long cross-country road linking Bordeaux and Lyon. The construction of the final 53 km section represented an investment of €1.5 billion for VINCI Autoroutes, and four years of works, involving the participation of VINCI Construction, Eurovia and VINCI Energies companies*. The project included the construction of five interchanges, a fork, eight viaducts (combined length: 2,150 m), 108 standard engineering structures and three twin-tube tunnels (two times 5,700 m). Throughout its implementation, the project benefited from excellent collaboration with the various stakeholders, in particular as regards preserving biodiversity.

* VINCI Construction Terrassement, leader, Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction), GTM TP Lyon (VINCI Construction France), Eurovia GPI, Eurovia Lyon, Cegelec Mobility (VINCI Energies GSS) and GTIE Transport (VINCI Energies France).