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Completion of civil engineering in three A89 tunnels

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25 April 2012 - Projects update and handover - France

On 28 February 2012, ASF (VINCI Autoroutes) celebrated the completion of the civil engineering works in the three tunnels of the Balbigny – La-Tour-de-Salvigny section of the A89 motorway in central France. The three structures – the La Bussière tunnel (1,042 m), the Chalosset tunnel (750 m) and the Violay tunnel (3,900 m) – are of the twin-tube type and were bored between March and August 2011. The works for the Violay tunnel were supplied by a consortium comprising Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction), Chantiers Modernes Rhône-Alpes (VINCI Construction France) and Eiffage TP. The drive operations were followed by spoil removal works, the lining of the tunnel floor, waterproofing works and the concreting of the roof sections, which were completed in February 2012. Cegelec Infrastructures & Mobility (Cegelec GSS, VINCI Energies) and GTIE Transport (VINCI Energies France) will be undertaking the task of equipping the three tunnels (electrical installations, lighting, fire protection, signage, ventilation, video surveillance and radiocommunication equipment and automatic incident detection). Entry into service of this 50 km section of the A89 is scheduled for late 2012 – marking the end of 4 years of works in which VINCI Construction and Eurovia companies are also participating.