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Civil engineering for Nice tramway

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1 March 2014 - New contracts - France

The Nice Côte d'Azur agglomeration has just awarded the main civil engineering contract for the future line 2 of its tramway to the Thaumasia consortium, composed of Bouygues TP (leader), and Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnel and CSM Bessac (all three VINCI Construction subsidiaries). The 11.3 km-long new line (20 stops) will cross the city of Nice (south of France) from west (airport) to east (Port Lympia, the city’s port). In the old town, it will pass through a 3.2 km-long tunnel (drilled by a pressurized-mud TBM) which, with 4 underground stops and 2 shafts (entry and exit), is the subject of the contract awarded to Thaumasia.

Design and planning start in April 2014. The works should begin in the second half of 2014. Total contract value is €270.9m, of which some 50% for the VINCI Construction companies.