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Citizens at the centre of urban development projects

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30 August 2012 - Sustainability

On 30 and 31 August 2012, at the Group’s City Factory think-tank’s colloquium in Amsterdam (Netherlands), discussion focused on how to achieve the backing of residents for urban regeneration projects. In a city where there is no shortage of such projects, some sixty participants (urban planners, elected representatives, researchers, representatives of associations, entrepreneurs, builders), together with VINCI managers, considered topics such as “participative planning”, ”smart city” policies (aimed at reducing energy consumption) or the experiences of the controversial North-South metro line project. Conclusion: there are many different ways of satisfying civil society’s desire to have a say in how its city is developed. For further details, go to www.lafabriquedelacite.com, or, on Twitter, to: @FabriqueLaCite.