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Citéos to light up Aix-les-Bains and Sassenage

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23 February 2011 - New contracts - France

Citéos Exploitation Rhône-Alpes – Auvergne, in association with Citéos Pays de Savoie (VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line), has just signed a 15-year PPP for the urban lighting in the town of Aix-les-Bains (south- eastern France). The contract, worth €14.2m, entered into force on 15 January. It covers management of energy consumption, renovation and maintenance of the urban lighting system, traffic management, festive-period lighting and the illumination of the town’s heritage sites.

A second PPP was signed in January, with Citéos Grenoble, for the urban lighting in the town of Sassenage.