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Business and services hub in Marseilles

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11 July 2012 - New contracts - France

The consortium composed of Dumez Méditerrannée, leader, Les Travaux du Midi (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries) and Santerne Marseille (VINCI Energies France), as well as Bec Construction, Cari and Crudeli has won the contract for the construction of Euromed Center II in Marseilles (south of France). This business and services hub, located in the heart of the Euroméditerranée neighbourhood, will comprise four office buildings (51,500 sq. metres), an 846-space car park, shops (1,400 sq. metres) and a 4-star hotel offering 210 rooms (10,000 sq. metres). Total contract value: about €110m, of which €50m for VINCI Construction France and €9m for Santerne Marseille.