€101.050 The share price increased by +2.71 %   01/07/2024 11:19

BRT in Montbéliard

1 May 2014 - Projects update and handover - France

The consortium comprising Eurovia, Climent and Colas began work in March 2014 on the earthworks, roadways and ancillary developments for the first two sections of the future bus rapid transit system (BRT) in Montbéliard (east of France). By 2016, 14.5 km of specially developed lanes will cross the urban area from north to south. The project notably involves creating 4 major engineering structures: a ramp on a hillside, an underpass beneath a cycle path, an underpass beneath a railway track and a bridge over the A36 motorway. Project value: €50m (not including the engineering structures and the vehicles).
The first two sections are worth €8.4m, of which €4.6m for Eurovia.