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Breakthrough in the Borne Romaine Tunnel

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18 June 2015 - Projects update and handover - France

In Nice (south of France), breakthrough was achieved on 24 April in the Borne Romaine Tunnel, on the A8 motorway, after more than a year of works. Driven using traditional techniques, this 755 m-long unidirectional structure’s three lanes will, as of early 2017, carry all traffic on the A8 heading in the direction of Italy. The existing descending carriageways, which have become unstable, will be definitively closed. This project, with its equipment and finishing works still ongoing, is being implemented on behalf of Escota (VINCI Autoroutes/VINCI Concessions) by a consortium comprising Campenon Bernard TP Côte d’Azur, leader, GTM Sud (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries), Soletanche Bachy (Soletanche Freyssinet/VINCI Construction) and Eurovia Méditerranée Nice.