€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

Biriatou toll plaza

7 December 2010 - Events - France

On Monday 7 December, on the A63 motorway, ASF (VINCI Autoroutes) inaugurated the new toll plaza at Biriatou (south-west France) in the presence of Pierre Coppey, Chairman of ASF, Pierre Anjolras, CEO of ASF, and local elected representatives. Relocated and enlarged, this new plaza, brought into service on 13 May last, has resulted in improved conditions and enhanced safety for both customers and the people working there. Built in 16 months at a cost of €30m, an investment entirely funded by ASF, it handles an average of 26,500 vehicles a day. More modern than its predecessor, it notably boasts a total of 20 lanes (10 for each traffic direction), as compared to 13 lanes previously.