€101.350 The share price increased by +3.02 %   01/07/2024 13:13

Aéroville: take-off!

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20 November 2013 - Events - France

Straddling the communes of Roissy-en-France (Paris region) and Tremblay-en-France (by Paris), the Aéroville retail and services centre was inaugurated as planned on 17 October 2013. Designed by PCA Architectes on behalf of Unibail-Rodamco, the BREEAM-certified (rating: excellent) 110,000 sq. metre building houses 200 retail outlets, 25 restaurants, a 12-screen multiplex cinema and 4,000 parking spaces. Undertaken by a consortium notably comprising Bateg, Sicra, Dumez Île-de-France, Chantiers Modernes Construction (all VINCI Construction France subsidiaries) and Eurovia’s Aubervilliers office, the works, worth €114m, took 26 months.