€101.400 The share price increased by +3.07 %   01/07/2024 17:12

A second-chance centre in Meyzieu

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23 February 2011 - New contracts - France

Sogea Nord-Ouest (VINCI Construction France) has signed a framework-agreement with 2IDE (Immobilier Insertion Défense Emploi) covering the design and construction, on a general contracting basis, in collaboration with Lamy (VINCI Construction France), of a second-chance centre (for the social and professional integration of young people who have dropped out of mainstream schooling) in Meyzieu (central France). The centre will feature seven low-energy buildings (two accommodation blocks, an administration building, a pedagogical village, a teaching centre, a gymnasium and a restaurant), occupying a total built surface area of 11,250 sq. metres.

Worth €10.5m, the works will take 12 months to complete.