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A PPP suspension bridge

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27 December 2012 - Projects update and handover - France

On 31 October 2012, in south-west France, the Verdun-sur-Garonne suspension bridge was brought into service following 22 months of works. It replaces a former structure, used since the 1920s, which had an extremely limited load-bearing capacity and could no longer be used by public transport vehicles. With a span of 154 m, the new bridge has been built within the framework of a public-private partnership covering its financing, design, construction, upkeep and maintenance for 28 years. The project was implemented by a consortium, composed of Sogea Sud-Ouest TP and Bottes Fondations (VINCI ConstructionFrance subsidiaries), Dodin Campenon Bernard and Freyssinet, both VINCI Construction subsidiaries, with the participation of Eurovia.
Contract value: €16.1m.