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A PPP for the Mirail campus

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28 May 2013 - New contracts - France

VINCI Construction France and VINCI Facilities (VINCI Energies) have signed a Ä416m partnership contract (public-private partnership) to rebuild and refurbish several buildings on the University of Toulouse IIís Mirail campus (south-west France). VINCI Construction France is in charge of demolition, design, construction and redevelopment works affecting three of the five units on the campus, resulting in 60,000 sq. metres of new facilities, including seven lecture theatres. The works also include the construction of a canopy of more than 7,000 sq. metres, 200 student flats, 120 flats for young workers, 1,100 parking spaces, sports facilities and 90,000 sq. metres of landscaping. 85,000 hours of work, equivalent to some 50 full-time jobs, will be supplied by îintegration through workî workers. The company has also made energy and environmental performance commitments, and will notably be recycling over 92% of the 55,000 t of materials resulting from the deconstruction works. To be carried out in three phases, the works will be completed in 36 months as of March 2013, without disrupting the operation of the university. VINCI Facilities will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, repairs, replacement works and cleaning of the facilities for an average period of 27 years.