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A new generation of stadiums for Euro 2016

6 June 2015 - Projects update and handover - France

France is building a new generation of stadiums in preparation for UEFA Euro 2016 that will give host cities state-of-the art sports and entertainment venues for decades to come. Just 100 days from the launch of Euro 2016, VINCI, which has rolled out its design-financing-construction-operation and maintenance expertise in this area in Paris, Nice, Lyon and Bordeaux, takes stock of these 21st-century stadiums.

What is a Euro 2016 stadium?

Ten stadiums in France will host Euro 2016 matches. Eight of them are currently in construction or being upgraded to meet UEFA's 3- and 4-category criteria, the strictest in the ranking defined by UEFA regulations for stadium infrastructure.
Use this interactive image to discover the key capacity, comfort and safety criteria for 3- and 4- category stadiums.

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Ten stadiums hosting UEFA Euro 2016 matches in France

Three stadiums built by VINCI to cater for UEFA Euro 2016, in Bordeaux, Lyon and Nice

43,000 spectators: average capacity of the UEFA Euro 2016 stadiums

30 months: average time taken to build a UEFA Euro 2016 stadium.

Media contacts

Stéphanie Malek
Tel: +33 1 57 98 66 28

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VINCI's expertise harnessed for stadiums: the example of Bordeaux

The new stadium in Bordeaux, built under a public-private partnership arrangement, was officially opened on Monday, 18 May 2015. It is the largest venue in Western France, with 42,000 seats in sports event configuration and up to 45,000 for concerts. The first connected stadium in France, it was completed in a very short time, between November 2012 and April 2015.

The project called for all the expertise of VINCI’s integrated design, finance, build and operate business model through subsidiaries VINCI Construction, VINCI Concessions, VINCI Energies and Eurovia. VINCI Concessions created subsidiary VINCI Stadium to specialise in stadium operation with a view to optimising the operating model of stadiums so that they attain economic maturity. Today, VINCI Stadium is Europe’s biggest stadium operator with Stade de France near Paris, MMArena in Le Mans, Allianz Riviera in Nice, the new Bordeaux stadium and the former London Olympic Games stadium in Queen Elizabeth Park. The environmentally friendly complex is built to BBC standards and equipped, in particular, with photovoltaic panels and a rainwater recovery system for watering the pitch.

What stadium spectators are looking for

TNS Sofres and VINCI Stadium, the VINCI Concessions subsidiary dedicated to stadiums, conducted a survey to ascertain their importance to the French. The findings: the French like stadiums but are keen to see even more services! In terms of footfall, 34% visited a stadium (for a sports or entertainment event) in the last two years. While they were satisfied with the experience, rated 7.6 / 10 on average, they think that major improvements could be made in catering and queue time at snack outlets. Furthermore, 77% of the people polled were in favour of a stand reserved exclusively for families. Lastly, a large number of French people are looking for applications proposing smart ideas and innovative services in the stadium (69% of people polled who have a smartphone claimed they would be happy to use this type of application).

The Euro 2016 stadiums should definitely satisfy their expectations: the upgrading and construction work underway is designed to improve the comfort and boost the activity of these new-generation complexes, over and above their sports orientation – and for a long time to come.

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42,000 seats

24 kilometres of stands

644 cylindrical metal columns

First connected stadium in France