€101.450 The share price increased by +3.12 %   01/07/2024 17:13

A chance to inspect the PR1BINA expressway

30 November 2011 - Events - Slovakia

On 25 September, concession-holding company Granvia (a VINCI Concessions subsidiary) invited members of the general public to come and see for themselves the R1 PPP expressway (renamed PR1BINA in July 2011), a new, 52 km-long, 2x2-lane infrastructure linking the towns of Nitra and Tekovské Nemce, to the west of Bratislava (Slovakia).

Prior to its entry into service, scheduled to take place in coming weeks, more than 12,000 people have been able to try out, by bike, on skates or on foot, the first three sections (46 km) of the new road, completed in September by Granvia Construction (a Eurovia CS subsidiary) after just 25 months of works. Reminder: the contract, awarded to Granvia by the Slovakian Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications in March 2009, covers the financing, design and construction of this infrastructure, and its operation and maintenance for 30 years.