€103.000 The share price increased by +4.70 %   01/07/2024 09:13

A centre dedicated to new cancer treatments

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1 February 2015 - New contracts - France

In Caen (Normandy), a consortium notably composed of Sogea Nord-Ouest, GTM Normandie Centre (VINCI Construction France) and VINCI Facilities (VINCI Energies France) has just been appointed to design, build and maintain the Archade project’s hadron therapy (an innovative therapeutic method for treating cancers) research and treatment centre. The building comprises a clinical section and, separated off by very thick walls and floors (up to 7 metres thick, to protect against radiation), areas reserved for research and treatment. Millennium (Soletanche Freyssinet/VINCI Construction France) is charged with the radiation protection side of the project, and VINCI Facilities with the maintenance for 30 years. The works will start in 2016.