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A booklet to find out all about the protected and remarkable species on the VINCI Autoroutes network

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23 August 2018 - Sustainability - France

As biodiversity is moving ever closer to the centre of the stage, VINCI Autoroutes has published a booklet presenting the ecological wealth that the areas skirting its motorways and the regions surrounding its network harbour.

VINCI Autoroutes teams have developed a comprehensive ecological engineering system encompassing a series of measures geared to avoiding, reducing and if necessary offsetting a motorway’s impacts on its natural surroundings, biodiversity and water resources.

Cooperation with environmental non-profits and institutes shapes every stage in a project – from design to construction and on to the measures aimed at protecting nearby species and their habitats.

The booklet on protected and remarkable species on the VINCI Autoroutes network illustrates its teams’ active approach and presents examples of the measures they are taking to protect biodiversity.

Download here: https://corporate.vinci-autoroutes.com/sites/default/files/2018-04/Biodiversite.pdf