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A10 Motorway - A major team effort

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1 June 2016 - Events - France

Following the bad weather on 31 May 2016, four stretches of the A10 motorway, operated by VINCI Autoroutes - i.e. a zone of 7 km to the north of Orléans (south of Paris) – had to be closed to traffic, submerged by water that, in places, was 1.40 m deep. Restoring this route of such strategic importance for central and western France took ten days, requiring the pooling of many areas of Group expertise. Some 500 employees from VINCI Autoroutes, Eurovia, VINCI Construction Terrassement and VINCI Construction France were swiftly deployed. The organisation of a dry corridor using 3,000 sacks of rubble each weighing 2 t enabled 200 cars and 100 lorries to be evacuated. All branches of VINCI Autoroutes – operations and construction, customer service and communication and information teams, together with 3605 and Radio VINCI Autoroutes – moved in exemplary fashion to tackle this exceptional situation and bring the motorway back into service.