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40 months of works for the Seine Aval ‘biological line’

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1 May 2014 - Projects update and handover - France

On 7 March 2014, in Achères (Paris region), the foundation stone was laid for the biological line at the SIAAP’s Seine Aval wastewater treatment plant. Following the reconstruction of the pre-treatment stage, carried out in part by VINCI Construction France subsidiaries, the second phase of the upgrading of the plant is now under way. The aim of this new treatment is to replace the existing installations with more effective, more modern units, notably for the treatment of nitrogen, thus enabling the Paris region’s wastewater authority (SIAAP) to meet the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. This project will be completed in 2017, after 40 months of works; it will be followed by a total overhaul of primary sedimentation and the treatment of the sludge – the final phases of the comprehensive upgrade of the plant. The works are being implemented in part, for €162 million, by GTM TP IDF, Sogea IDF Génie Civil (both VINCI Construction France subsidiaries) and Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction), in a consortium with Eiffage, OTV and Degrémont.