€101.350 The share price increased by +3.02 %   01/07/2024 17:18

38,000 sq. metres of cobblestones

28 January 2011 - New contracts - France

As part of a contract to upgrade the town-centre in Poitiers (western France), Eurovia’s Poitiers office, in a joint venture, is laying paving and cobblestones in natural stone over an area of 38,000 sq. metres. It will also be responsible for part of the drainage works package and the technical trenches for the urban lighting works package, which is being supplied, as are the various infrastructure elements (ducts, manholes, …), by Ancelin (VINCI Energies France Division, Energy business line). Project handover is scheduled for the end of the first half of 2012.

Value of the works: €8m, of which €4m for Eurovia.