€100.900 The share price increased by +2.56 %   01/07/2024 17:38

2 projects for Menard Bachy

12 February 2010 - New contracts - Australia

• In the State of Queensland, Menard Bachy, a subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI Construction) was involved, between November 2008 and December 2009, in the work on the Airport Link, the rail link which, as of 2011, will link the city of Brisbane with its airport. On this project, notably involving the construction of two tunnels, the company was responsible for jet grouting (photo) and the creation of a 6,600 sq. metre diaphragm wall, one metre thick and up to 26 m in depth. Contract value: 9 million Australian dollars (€5.7m).

• 30 km from Canberra, in connection with the restoration of the Tharwa Bridge, the country’s oldest structure and classified as part of the Aboriginal, natural and historic heritage, Menard Bachy has created 185 jet grouting columns (diameter: 1.20 m) and 40 micro-piles (diameter: 0.185 m). Begun in September 2009, the works were completed in January 2010.